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Police Dog Section

The Guernsey Police Dog Section comprises of three full time Police Dog Handlers.


PC 106 Daniel Thomas handles general purpose police dog Lynx and pro-active drugs search dog Gully


PC Dan Thomas and Police Dog Lynx


Both drug search spaniels are additionally trained to search for firearms and firearms residues.

Guernsey Police Dog Section have formed a partnership with Surrey Regional Police Dog Training School for initial training courses. Instructors from Surrey Police travel to Guernsey twice a year to deliver on-going continuation training and to assess and licence Guernsey dogs.

The Police Dog Section work closely with their colleagues in the Guernsey Border Agency and the Prison Service.

They also work and train closely with the force Tactical Firearms Unit, providing the force with an alternative 'less lethal' option during firearms operations.

The dogs are also used in missing person searches and can cover large areas of open land or buildings much quicker than a team of police officers.

Offenders have recently been arrested making off from the scene of thefts, burglaries and road traffic incidents with the assistance of dogs tracking the offenders' scent from the area.  Without the use of police dogs, these offenders may not have been traced.

The dogs are also very useful for searching for items of property that may have been lost or discarded by an offender following a crime.

On a day-to-day operational level, officers on the Dog Section continue to attend all manner of incidents, both those requiring the use of police dogs and other more general policing matters. The dogs are regularly used to patrol in areas which may see anti-social behaviour and to deal with other matters allocated by both the force control room and supervisors.

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